You are receiving this email as you are part of ARx exclusive Early Access Program. By now you should have received your early access program kit.
Here's what happens next. In 3 phases.
(Everything that follows is offered and optional)
[image of the ARx headset and a smartphone]

[Phase 1, image with a timeline and 3 milestones: Kit received, Zoom check-up, Feedback form]
It can be challenging to interact with a new product, while we have put a lot of effort into the onboarding and user-experience, we know we can always improve. For this reason, in phase 1, we offer each participant a 30 min Zoom check-up call in order to make sure the testing is going okay. It is the opportunity to share your first impressions and to get live assistance if required. After you've done more testing, we send you a form to collect your feedback.

[image with a person working on a laptop computer]
We then use all the participant's feedback to improve the App.
Then phase 2 begins.

[Phase 2, image with a timeline and 3 milestones: App update, Interview, Feedback]
After you have done more testing with the updated App, we invite you for a new call in order to gather your feedback.

[Phase 3, image with a timeline and 3 milestones: VIP orders(100units) Public orders, App updates]
In phase 3, you get the unique opportunity to place orders before anyone else can. We then initiate public launch and keep updating and adding new features to the ARx App.
Did you check ARx's Youtube channel?
[video link to ARx Youtube Channel]
Have you checked our youtube channel? This video shows what to expect and how to get started with ARx.